Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010

Luv is Bullshit

Luv is Bullshit 
why I should feel hurt ,,,,,,,,,,???
why I should feel sore and this injury ...........???
at the moment I believe that love is perfect ,,,,,,,,
but I was wrong,,, I believe that perfect love was just sore and my dream alone ...
leaves a lasting wound ...
beauty is there any love for me feel .......???
I do not know are ready to take, where my love .......???,
love me just a dream that is not perfect .....
is the game,love is bullshit,i will not never believe the true love
forever again
love can make people suffer .....!!!
if God is fair ..........??
love can make people sick and injured ....!!!
I wish I could write their own destiny .....??
...love is painful, sad,
why just sore that I can thank .......???
of all the stories that this imperfect ........!!!
why only a wound that can I reach .........???
from the high harapku will love .......
why only the hatred directed at me,, of all steps ...................???
there will all be gone from me .........??

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